Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pictures Of Aids More Condition_symptoms What Is The Difference Between The Rutherford-Bohr Model And Just Hte Bohr Model? Pictures?

What is the difference between the Rutherford-Bohr model and just hte Bohr model? Pictures? - pictures of aids more condition_symptoms

Who knows what is the difference between the model of Rutherford and Bohr Bohr model is he? Can you please tell me?

Even if you could include pictures, you explain what would be really useful help!
Thank you.


. said...

The analysis of Rutherford scattering of alpha particles from a metal sheet which led to his discovery that the atom has a nucleus. In 1911 he published a model of the atom that was a small positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons. This model was soon replaced by the Bohr model to take the ideas of the model of Rutherford and transfer the emerging theory of quantized energy.

The Bohr model was published in 1913, and proposed that the electrons of an atom in the orbit in a circle around a small core. He also recommended that only lanes, allowing for the angular momentum of the electrons to a multiple of h/2pi. Thus, their model railways allowed conventional "global", but also quantified. The second proposal is that no electrons emitted energy when he was stationed in orbit. Thus, in the Bohr model, electrons emitted energy only if it moves between the orbits and that energy is quantized.

Obviously, this was a very simple, but for all that the utility model. He could not predict the range of hydrocarbons, which in principleGene, but could not cope with the views of the divide in Spectral resolution. This statement requires the quantization of angular momentum and elliptical orbits. Here are some of the spectra show that a quantum spin are electrons. With these changes: an elliptical orbit, measure the angular momentum and spin of electrons, the Bohr model is very necessary to observe the hydrogen spectrum. However, the differences in the spectra of hydrogen and these points can be explained by the quantum mechanical analysis can be observed. In addition, the Bohr model works only for one atom of an electron. If a large number of electrons in an atom orbit around their mutual repulsion can not be explained by the Bohr model. It was found that the electron Bohr's quantum occurred only between the layers are made of concrete cracks, and thus the selection of ad hoc rules to reflect these transitions. Nobody at that moment I understood why the quantum of the way she jumps limited. Finally, the electron orbits Sharp, in this model have been too naivecorrespond to reality. All the problems that were the first and the justly famous theory of work by the introduction of quantum mechanics in the twenties solved.

B B said...

Same thing. When Bohr developed his model (in general than the Bohr model), he had the idea that Rutherford is positive charge and most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus. Thus, some people refer to the model of Rutherford-Bohr model for certain loans with Rutherford shares for his discovery of the atomic nucleus.

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