Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Anaemia Symptoms More Condition_treatment Are There Any Physical Symptoms To Indicate Anaemia?

Are there any physical symptoms to indicate anaemia? - anaemia symptoms more condition_treatment

I'm exhausted - had blood transfusions before the low hemoglobin level is obtained (post-) renal transplant surgery and I wonder whether it signs in their eyes, for example, indicating low levels of HGB?


izzy said...

Nothing is visible outside the borders ...
The symptoms of anemia are:
* Shortness of breath with little movement
* Feeling very tired
* Pale
* Intolerance of low temperatures
* Acceleration of the pulse
* Palpitations
* Headache
Less common symptoms of anemia include May tinnitus (ringing) in the ears, and altered taste. There may be other symptoms of anemia, resulting from the condition of the causes of anemia.

Especially in light of his medical history should consult your doctor. It could be as simple as the current heat (!), But pleasr to this event

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